Est. 2006


Frequently Asked Questions

Where and when does NYCFH play?

NYCFH plays in Manhattan, where we have two homebase fields. In the summer, we play at the Pier 40 Rooftop Turf which has the most AMAZING views. In the fall, we play at Chelsea Waterside Park and we get some of the most STUNNING fall sunsets! When our club is in session, we play on Sundays from 4-6pm, though we ask that players arrive by 3:45 to check in and get ready to hit the pitch on time.

That sounds incredible; how do I sign up for more information?

You can sign up for our Google Group mailing list using the link on our JOIN page. We use this mailing list to share important information with all of our members. Once you’re on our mailing list, you’ll be all set to receive our weekly registration emails.

What’s all this business about weekly registration emails?

So glad you asked. We send out weekly registration emails on Wednesday at 10am before every session. Spots go lightning-fast, so we recommend setting a reminder or alarm so you can sign up before registration closes. 

What happens if I miss the cutoff to sign up?

If you miss the registration cutoff, you can email us and ask to be added to the waitlist. We will email you if a spot opens up.

I haven’t played hockey since high school/middle school/college and I’m super out of shape, can I still play with NYCFH?

Of course! We have so many dedicated members who were in your shoes before joining us. We welcome adults of all ages, skill levels, and fitness levels to play with us. 

I’ve never played field hockey before, but I’d like to learn. Can I still play with NYCFH?

Unfortunately, no. This club is for adults who have played field hockey in some organized capacity before (school, club, league, etc.). Previous experience and knowledge of the game are required for us to promote safe play and make the most of our 2-hour sessions. 

Two whole hours of field hockey?! That sounds intense! What should I expect at a session?

At a typical 2-hour NYCFH session, we circle up and do introductions and go over our rules. Then we split up into 2-4 teams and play casual 7-minute pickup games against each other. We don’t play with goalies. We call our own fouls. We don’t lift or drive. And we don't keep score. Halfway through play, we stop to take the team photo. Afterwards, we swap teams and resume play.

Awesome! There’s just one problem: I don’t have a stick because it’s at my parents’ house in Pennsylvania/lost in my closet/my dog ate it, etc.

That’s okay! While we do recommend that every player has their own stick, the managers have a limited number of sticks that we lend out for each session. When filling out the weekly registration form, there is a box you can check off to let us know you need to borrow a stick for that session. 

Is there anything else I need to bring?

For safety reasons, we recommend that all players wear shin guards and a mouth guard to play. Playing without these protective items is at your own risk. Since we are playing on turf that can get a bit slick, we recommend our players wear cleats or turf shoes to play (but wearing sneakers is totally fine too!). We also recommend all players bring a reversible pinnie or one light/white shirt and one dark/black shirt so that they can easily swap shirts depending on what team they’re on. On top of that, we recommend bringing sunscreen and water or your favorite electrolyte beverage.

Where can I buy equipment to play with NYCFH?

Google is your friend with this one, but in case you need some help: Amazon, Target, Longstreth, Dick’s Sporting Goods, etc.

Manager Melissa’s mouthguard recommendation: (sold at all of the above retailers)